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Verruca Vulgaris (Warts)

What is Verruca Vulgaris (Warts)?


Warts are a common viral (human papilloma virus) infection of the skin. There are over 70 types of wart viruses. Most individuals will have a wart experience during their lifetime. The virus affects the surface layer of the skin epidermis and causes a thickening of this layer, which forms a benign growth. We have no specific treatment that kills the virus. There are multiple treatments for warts, none of which are always effective. Treatments either irritate or kill the surface cells. Your doctor will use the treatment he/she feels is least painful and most effective. Warts will often go away spontaneously, although, they may last for several years. Sometimes the best treatment is No Treatment . Remember there are no guarantees when it comes to treating warts. Sometimes the warts will grow and sometimes they will clear in the center and recur at the margin of the treatment site (doughnut recurrence).

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