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Pediatric Tic Disorders

Tic disorders are neurological conditions marked by repetitive, involuntary muscle movements and sounds. One example of a tic disorder is Tourette syndrome. With tic disorders, a child will feel the need to perform unusual acts, such as blinking, sniffing or making sounds.

What are Pediatric Tic Disorders?

Tic disorders cause involuntary movements that can be triggered during periods of anxiety, excitement or physical stress. Tics may vary in frequency, location and severity over the years. Typically, motor tics develop before vocal tics.

Children with tic disorders can stop from performing these movements briefly but eventually feel compelled to act on them. If tics are controlled for longer than a few seconds, the need to perform the movement grows stronger and stronger.

Tic disorders are typically diagnosed between the ages of 3 to 9 years and the symptoms last a lifetime, though they often fade in their 20s. Males are impacted approximately three to four times more than females.

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