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Pediatric Suicidal Behaviors

If your child is having suicidal thoughts or behaviors, you need expert help and support – and you need it fast. Children’s Health℠ is one of the nation’s leaders in teen suicide prevention. We offer care and treatment to keep your child safe today, and we teach them skills to lead a long, healthy life.

What are Pediatric Suicidal Behaviors ?

Suicidal behavior is any type of self-harm that is accompanied by an intent to die. Suicidal behaviors include:

  • Investigating ways to die by suicide

  • Talking or writing about death more than normal

  • Talking about wanting to die or wanting to commit suicide

  • Talking about feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness or having no reason to live

  • Behaving recklessly, like crashing a car for no reason, or misusing drugs or alcohol

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