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Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury

The spinal cord is part of your child’s nervous system. It carries messages between the brain and the nerves throughout the body that control organs and muscles. If your child receives an injury to the spinal cord, any nerves in the cord from the point where it’s injured and below fail to work as they should.

What is a Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury?

When the nerves stop working, your child’s body can be affected in ways you can see, such as an inability to move his legs. Doctors will diagnose and help your child manage any loss of movement. Other functions we often take for granted also are affected by damaged nerves. Among these are the ability to control the bladder and the flow of urine. When the nerves that normally control messages to start and stop the flow of urine do not work properly, it is called neurogenic bladder.

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