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Pediatric Wilson’s Disease

With Wilson’s disease, early diagnosis and treatment are crucial. The liver experts at Children's Health℠ draw on their deep experience and the latest tools and methods to give your child the best care. In cases requiring a liver transplant, we are proud to offer the only pediatric liver transplant program in North Texas, with outcomes that are consistently better than national averages.

What is Pediatric Wilson's Disease?

Wilson’s disease is a genetic condition that causes copper to gather in the liver and other organs. These may include the brain, kidneys and eyes.

Normally, our bodies use some of the copper we consume and get rid of the rest. But kids with Wilson’s disease aren’t able to process extra copper or pass it in their solid waste. First it builds up in the liver, then it spreads to other organs, like the brain and the kidneys. As copper accumulates, it can damage the organs and prevent them from working properly.

In most cases, Wilson’s disease is diagnosed in people between the ages of 5 and 35. Symptoms may emerge gradually or all of a sudden.

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