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Pediatric Hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar)

Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, occurs when the blood glucose is above 250 mg/dl.

What is Pediatric Hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar)?

Hyperglycemia, or high blood glucose, is defined as having a blood glucose level above your target. It can be caused by too much food, not enough insulin, less activity than usual, stress or illness. Children will sometimes outgrow their insulin dosage, and have high glucose values.  Be sure to discuss this with your child’s endocrinologist and/or primary care provider. 

Call 911 if the patient is unconscious or having a seizure followed by instructions given by your endocrinologist or primary care provider.

Normal glucose levels:

  • Before a meal: 80 – 130

  • 2 hours after a meal: less than 160

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