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Pediatric Paralysis

Our specialists are available 24/7 to offer comprehensive care for children with any type of paralysis. We also are here to support families and help them through the challenges that paralysis in children can bring.

What is Pediatric Paralysis?

Pediatric paralysis means a child cannot move one or more muscles, such as a finger, an arm or both legs. Children can have partial paralysis, which means they might not be able to move their muscles with full strength. Or they might have complete paralysis, which means the given muscle can’t move at all. Paralysis in children is rare.

Pediatric paralysis is a syndrome, not a specific disease. That means that a child can lose the ability to move or control their muscles for a wide variety of reasons. There might be a problem with the:

  • Brain

  • Spinal cord

  • Nerves

  • Muscles

Paralysis can be caused by genetic conditions or acquired conditions. Common conditions that can involve paralysis include:

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