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Pediatric Orthorexia Nervosa

Children with orthorexia nervosa have an obsession with healthy eating that can impact their health and well-being. At Children’s Health, we don’t talk about foods as “unhealthy” or “healthy.” Instead, we can help your child reduce anxiety and learn to enjoy food, while teaching them about nutrition and the importance of finding balance.

What is Pediatric Orthorexia Nervosa?

Children who have orthorexia nervosa are obsessed with eating only “healthy” foods. They may become so focused on eating “clean,” “healthy” or “pure” foods that it can contribute to serious anxiety. Children with this condition may feel anxious about every meal, become stressed when foods they perceive as “healthy” aren’t available and may lose lots of weight.

Orthorexia nervosa is common in children with eating disorders, which are conditions where people engage in eating behaviors that negatively impact their health. This includes:

  • Anorexia, a condition where children significantly limit their food intake to lose weight

  • Bulimia, a condition where kids have patterns of binge eating (eating way too much) and purging (throwing up or doing excessive exercise to avoid gaining weight)

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