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Childhood Overweight and Obesity

Children and teens with overweight or obesity can develop serious health problems with lifelong consequences.

At Children’s Health℠, we offer a wide range of treatments and resources that address the specific needs of the whole child, whether the extra weight is a small or large amount. Our multidisciplinary team of dietitians, exercise coaches, surgeons and child psychologists work with your family to develop a comprehensive, personalized program. Our goal is to help your child reach a healthier weight they can keep throughout their life. 

What is Childhood Overweight and Obesity?

Your child’s body stores extra calories when they eat more than their body uses. These extra calories are stored in fat cells to be used later for energy. However, when your child isn’t active, their body continues to develop fat cells. This build-up of fat cells leads to overweight and eventually, obesity.

Results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey show that 12.5 million (about 18%) of children and young adults between 2 and 19 years old have obesity, and another 10% have overweight. That number has almost tripled since 1980.

Children and teens with overweight or obesity can develop serious health issues, like diabetes, liver inflammation, high blood pressure, breathing problems during sleep and many other medical problems. Left uncorrected, these health conditions can affect how they learn, play, interact with their peers and grow into adulthood.

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