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Nerve Injuries

The Pediatric Pain Management Center at Children’s Health offers children and parents a specially trained team that evaluates and treats chronic pain, acute pain and headaches. Our interdisciplinary approach involves many other specialties to treat pain using multiple approaches at once. The Center can help lessen the pain associated with a variety of diseases and disorders including, but not limited to, chest and back conditions, nerve injuries, rheumatologic conditions, sports injuries and cancer. We also have a dedicated headache clinic for those children suffering from headaches.

What are Nerve Injuries?

Everyone has two types of nerves: motor nerves, which carry messages between the brain and body to make the body move; and sensory nerves, which register pain, pressure and temperature.

Nerve injury – from pressure, stretching or cutting – can stop transmission of signals to and from the brain, causing muscles to stop working or a loss of feeling in the area supplied by the nerve.

There are countless ways a child can injure a nerve and there are varying degrees of these injuries.

Peripheral nerve injuries are most common. These nerves carry commands from the brain to the legs, arms, hands and feet and they’re fairly susceptible to injuries affecting the limbs. These nerves may be compressed – such as with conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome or thoracic outlet syndrome –or injured, as in brachial plexus. Peripheral nerve injuries may also be caused by birth trauma, sports collisions or car accidents.

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