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Pediatric Metabolic Disease

What is Pediatric Metabolic Disease?


The Metabolic Clinic consists of a multidisciplinary team dedicated to providing care to children with known or suspected inborn errors of metabolism. The clinic provides diagnostic evaluations of children, from birth to 18 years old, in whom a metabolic disorder is considered. Therapeutic management is provided for children with diagnosed inborn errors of metabolism, age’s birth to 21 years. We work closely with parents and families to provide treatment and support to improve clinical outcomes.

The Texas State Department of Health (TDSH) screens approximately 400,000 newborns annually for inherited metabolic diseases and other conditions. Babies who have abnormal newborn screens and go on to be diagnosed with an inborn error of metabolism receive follow up and long term care in the Metabolic Clinic. For more information on the newborn screening diagnostic process, please see Newborn Screening.

The Metabolism Clinic physicians are available for inpatient and outpatient consultations for physicians with diagnostic or management concerns related to metabolic diseases.

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