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Pediatric Meconium Aspiration

Meconium aspiration happens when an infant baby inhales feces found in the amniotic fluid before, during or after birth.

What is Pediatric Meconium Aspiration?

Meconium aspiration happens when an infant inhales (breathes in) some of the amniotic fluid before, during or after birth. If meconium (feces) is inhaled, it can become trapped in the airways and make it difficult or impossible for them to breathe after birth.  The more meconium a baby inhales, the more serious situation may become.

Risk factors

The most common risk factors for meconium aspiration include:

  • Conditions of the mother, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease

  • Growth problems in the uterus

  • Long labor and delivery

  • Postmaturity (baby born after 40 weeks)

  • Umbilical cord problems, including compression or prolapse

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