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Pediatric Marfan Syndrome

Children with Marfan syndrome need lifelong care from multiple specialists. Children’s Health is the only pediatric medical center in northwest Texas recognized by the Marfan Foundation for comprehensive care of Marfan syndrome. We provide dedicated and coordinated services for all your child’s medical needs.

What is Pediatric Marfan Syndrome?

Children with Marfan syndrome, a connective tissue disorder, are at risk for serious heart and blood vessel complications. The condition can also affect bones, teeth, vision and breathing.

Marfan syndrome is a disorder that affects the proteins that make up the body’s connective tissues. These tissues support a child’s blood vessels, heart, eyes, bones including the spine, lungs and muscles.

Almost all children with Marfan syndrome have complications that affect the heart and the aorta, one of the heart’s main blood vessels. Without proper treatment, these conditions can be life-threatening. They include:

  • Dilated (enlarged) aorta (aneurysm) that can tear or rupture if it becomes too big (aortic dissection).

  • Leaky heart valves that allow blood to flow backward into the heart

A child with Marfan syndrome is also at risk for developing other complications, including:

  • Scoliosis (spine curvature) and bones that don’t form properly

  • Eye problems like dislocated lenses, tears in the retina and glaucoma

  • Lung diseases such as emphysema

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