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Pediatric Laryngomalacia

When tissue is softer than normal in the larynx (voice box), it can cover the vocal cords and airway, making it difficult for infants to breathe.

What is Pediatric Laryngomalacia?

Laryngomalacia occurs when the tissue that makes up the larynx (voice box) is soft and floppy, which causes it to collapse over the vocal cords and block the airway opening. This leads to noisy breathing in infants, also knowns as stridor.

The condition is often worse when babies are laying on their backs or crying and can make breathing difficult as the chest pulls inward. In severe cases, it can also lead to bluish skin, apnea (breathing stops while sleeping) or difficulty feeding. In 90 percent of infants, this condition resolves itself by the time the baby is 18 to 20 months old.

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