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Pediatric Intrahepatic Cholestasis Liver Diseases

Intrahepatic cholestasis liver diseases can damage the liver and affect digestion and other important processes in the body. The team at Children's Health℠ includes board-certified hepatologists (liver experts) with experience in all kinds of liver disease.

We use the latest methods to diagnose and treat intrahepatic cholestasis so that children with this condition can manage their disease and thrive. If a transplant is necessary, we offer the only pediatric liver transplant program in North Texas, with success rates that meet or exceed national averages. We are also one of the sites for clinical trials exploring treatments for some intrahepatic cholestasis liver diseases in children.

What are Pediatric Intrahepatic Cholestasis Liver Diseases?

Cholestasis is a condition that means bile is unable to flow out of the liver like it’s supposed to. This can happen for different reasons. With intrahepatic cholestasis, it happens because of problems inside the liver. (“Intrahepatic” means “inside the liver.”) Multiple diseases can cause these problems, and these are known as intrahepatic cholestasis liver diseases.

Bile is an important liquid in our bodies. It helps us get rid of toxins and digest fats. Normally, it is produced in the liver and then flows to the gallbladder and small intestine.

When bile stays in the liver instead of flowing, it can hurt our bodies in multiple ways. The liver can become damaged and lose function. Toxins can build up in the bloodstream. And the body isn’t able to absorb nutrients from fats we eat.

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