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Pediatric Headache

Just like adults, children can experience various types of headaches, including tension, sinus and migraine.

What is Pediatric Headache?

Headaches are fairly common among children and teens of all ages. Headaches are one of the top five health problems that affect children, with 40 percent of children suffering from headaches by age seven and 75 percent by age 15. Most headaches are harmless, but if they persist and get worse over time, they could be a sign of a serious problem, such as a brain tumor (very rare).

Most head pain is harmless, and will usually go away on its own. You should take your child to a doctor immediately if they experience any of the following symptoms in combination with a headache:

  • Any symptoms that cause your child to wake up during the night

  • Flashes of light

  • Loss of vision

  • Muscle weakness

  • Sensitivity to light and sound

  • Vertigo (feeling that the room is spinning)

  • Vomiting

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