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Pediatric Functional Abdominal Pain Syndrome (FAPS)

If your child has chronic, recurring abdominal pain and no cause can be found, it might be functional abdominal pain.

What is Pediatric Functional Abdominal Pain Syndrome (FAPS)?

Recurring abdominal pain with no other explanation is called functional abdominal pain.

How do you know if your child has functional abdominal pain?

Functional abdominal pain is usually diagnosed after a physical examination of a child and any medical testing does not find another cause for the pain. A child may have symptoms of functional abdominal pain all the time, or the symptoms may come and go.

Although functional abdominal pain is not life threatening, it can have other negative effects. Children experiencing functional abdominal pain may become frustrated, have trouble sleeping, or they may miss school and other activities due to the pain.

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