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Failure to Thrive

At Children’s Health, our team of experts collaborates to diagnose, treat and care for children who are failing to thrive. Our multidisciplinary team can tackle every aspect of your child’s condition.

We make it easier for you to schedule appointments and get treatment for your child by offering care from multiple providers in the same appointment, at one location. We will also coordinate a meeting with our social work team to help connect you with resources that will help you treat your child’s failure to thrive. Our collaborative approach gets your child’s growth back on track and helps keep it that way for the long haul.

What is Pediatric Failure to Thrive?

Failure to thrive (FTT) is a condition where a child is significantly smaller and is developing more slowly than other children their age. FTT can cause developmental delays and other health problems. You can help prevent failure to thrive by seeking help with your child’s nutritional needs early in their life.

Failure to thrive can happen for many reasons — from medical disorders like cerebral palsy that can make eating difficult, to environmental factors like not having access to healthy, nutritious food. Children may also experience FTT for a combination of medical and environmental reasons. Whatever the reasons behind your child’s FTT, we are here to help support you and your family as we get your child’s nutritional health back on track.

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