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Congenital Myopathy

Congenital myopathy is a group of diseases that are present at birth and cause mild to severe muscle weakness. These conditions are rare and happen because of genetic changes (mutations).

While there’s no cure for congenital myopathy, our team at Children's Health can work with your child to support them and help them reach important milestones as they grow and develop.

What is Congenital Myopathy?

A child with congenital myopathy typically has low muscle tone and reduced strength because their muscles do not work normally. The symptoms are often noticeable when a baby is born. Physical (gross motor) skills – like rolling over – usually develop late. Fine motor skills – such as holding a pencil – may also be affected.

Language and thinking develop as they would in other children, but a child with congenital myopathy may have difficulty speaking. After about a year, a child’s loss of strength usually levels off or progresses very slowly.

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