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Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke in children

People don’t often think of children having strokes, but some cerebrovascular diseases can cause a stroke, even in children. That’s why it’s important to recognize the signs of these diseases and know when to seek treatment for your child.

At Children's Health℠, we know how cerebrovascular diseases in children differ from those in adults. We are uniquely equipped with top-notch technology, expert providers and key partnerships to treat cerebrovascular diseases – and help prevent stroke in children.

What are Pediatric Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke?

Cerebrovascular diseases affect the blood vessels and blood flow in the brain. Although cerebrovascular diseases are rare in children, they increase the risk of brain damage and may lead to a stroke. A stroke happens when blood flow to part of the brain is disrupted by either a broken blood vessel or a blood clot.

Our specialists have expertise in diagnosing cerebrovascular diseases in their early stages and providing advanced treatment before they become life-threatening.

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