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Pediatric Breast Hypoplasia

What is Pediatric Breast Hypoplasia?

Breast hypoplasia is development of inadequate breast tissue to meet the individual’s expectations of an adequate or desirable breast size. While there is no universally agreed cut off between breast hypoplasia and small breasts, breasts can be considered hypoplastic if there is no breast development, where there is insufficient breast tissue to support breast feeding, or if the amount of breast tissue is small enough to cause significant psychosocial consequences for the individual.

The extent of breast hypoplasia is variable. In some women, breasts do not develop at all, but in most women seeking treatment for breast hypoplasia, the problems faced by these women are psychosocial. Poor self esteem, unwillingness to undress in front of others, being teased by peers, difficulty with their identity as a woman and difficulty with relationships are commonly mentioned.

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