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Bleeding Disorders and Thrombosis

If your child is experiencing a bleeding disorder or thrombosis, Children’s Health is among a small number of hemostasis thrombosis centers in the country. This designation is important because it means we have a wide-ranging team of doctors, nurses, social workers, physical therapists and research professionals who can help your child.

What are Bleeding Disorders and Thrombosis?

Bleeding disorders are a group of conditions where the body’s blood clotting process doesn’t work properly. During the clotting process, blood changes from a liquid to a gel, which stops your body from bleeding after a cut or injury. When your body can’t make your blood clot properly, it can lead to heavy bleeding.

When your blood clots too much, it can harm your blood flow. Thrombosis is a condition where a blood clot forms where it’s not supposed to, in areas like veins or arteries. If left untreated, this can block the flow of blood to the heart, brain or lungs, which can cause serious health problems like a stroke.

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