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Pediatric Berger's Disease (IgA Nephropathy)

Berger's disease, or IgA nephropathy, is a rare renal disease that causes swelling in the kidneys and can lead to kidney failure.

What is Pediatric Berger's Disease (IgA Nephropathy)?

Berger's disease, also called IgA nephropathy, is a condition that causes swelling in the kidneys. Berger's disease is one type of a group of conditions that affect the glomeruli, which are tiny filters in the kidneys.

The glomeruli help the kidneys remove extra water and waste from the body, while keeping the good proteins and other important nutrients. When a child's body makes too much IgA (immunoglobulin A) protein, it can damage the glomeruli. This leads to your child having protein and blood in their urine, and other complications such as high blood pressure and kidney failure.

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