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Pediatric Anorexia Nervosa

Children with anorexia are obsessed with their body weight and often are afraid of gaining weight. Children’s Health℠ is home to an expert team that specializes in helping children and teens overcome anorexia and other eating disorders. We create a treatment and counseling plan that’s tailored to your child’s – and your family’s – needs, so you can get back to leading healthy, happy lives.

What is Pediatric Anorexia Nervosa?

Children with anorexia typically eat very little and severely limit the types of food they eat. They may also limit the types and quantity of fluids they drink. Usually they are below normal weight and very thin for their age. But many children with eating disorders also have a normal body weight.

Eating disorders like anorexia start in the brain. The disorder affects how a child thinks and behaves toward food. For example, a child with anorexia may believe they are overweight, even though they are actually normal weight or even underweight.

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