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Pediatric Anorectal Malformation (Imperforate Anus)

Anorectal malformations (imperforate anus) are birth defects that result in abnormal development of the anus and rectum. In these defects, the anus can be absent, narrowed and/or abnormally connected to the urinary tract.

What is a Pediatric Anorectal Malformation (Imperforate Anus)?

A pediatric anorectal malformation (ARM) or imperforate anus occurs when a baby’s anus and rectum do not form correctly. These malformations occur while a baby is still developing in the mother’s womb and can affect both boys and girls. However, male infants are more likely to be affected.

Anorectal malformations are discovered during physical exams of the baby. Various imaging tests, including X-rays of the abdomen and spine and ultrasounds, can help the doctor understand what problems exist. These types of birth defects can be difficult to diagnose with precision because some problems occur deep inside the pelvis and are hard to see even with technology. Some children also have other disorders that complicate matters. These disorders can include problems in the formation of the spine and congenital heart defects.

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